Big O Action! Main Page
In rough outline, the show follows the adventures of Roger Smith, a negotiator/detective who is also the secret posessor of a giant robot, "Big O." He soon acquires a lovely, sharp-tongued android sidekick, R. Dorothy Wayneright, and during the series he is almost completely unaware that they have fallen in love with each other.
Big O Funny Picture Galleries
Fanfiction: A Whole Season 3 For Big O!You won't believe it until you see it! Read a complete third season of Big O. Giant Robot battles! Android romance! Creepy villans! More giant robot battles! And answers to all your questions about how Paradigm City really works. Widely praised, you'll see why when you read it. More Big O Anime ResourcesWhat is The Big O? An introduction to the series. NEW! Creating Your Own Fan Site. Follow these steps when creating your very own site with the name of your choice. Big O DVDs, Manga, Art Book. Stuff to buy.
Big O LinksLinks to My Favorite Big O Fan ArtistsNEW! Links to individual fan artists and sites with fan art.
Links to Other Big O SitesMore Big O sites can be found here. R. Dorothy Dress-Up Game
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